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Hsa Bc Collective Agreement 2019 – MAS Electrical Solutions

Hsa Bc Collective Agreement 2019

The HSA BC Collective Agreement 2019 – What You Need to Know

The Health Sciences Association (HSA) represents over 18,000 health care and community social service professionals across British Columbia. As a collective bargaining organization, the HSA negotiates collective agreements with employers on behalf of its members. One of the most important documents for HSA members is the collective agreement, which outlines the terms and conditions of their employment.

The HSA BC Collective Agreement 2019 is the most recent agreement negotiated between the HSA and the Health Employers Association of British Columbia (HEABC). This agreement was ratified in June 2019 and covers the period from April 1, 2019, to March 31, 2022.

One of the key features of the new agreement is a 5.5 percent wage increase over the three years of the agreement. This includes a 1.75 percent increase in the first year, followed by a 2 percent increase in each of the remaining two years. In addition, there are also improvements in the way shift premiums are calculated, which will result in higher premiums for many HSA members.

The new agreement also includes changes to benefits, including an increase in the dental coverage maximum from $1,500 to $1,750 per year, and improved coverage for paramedical services such as physiotherapy and chiropractic care.

In terms of job security and working conditions, the new agreement includes language that recognizes the importance of maintaining and enhancing job security, as well as provisions for addressing workplace violence and harassment.

Another important aspect of the new agreement is the increased funding provided for professional development and education. This includes funding for continuing education, as well as a new fund to support members in pursuing post-secondary education.

Overall, the HSA BC Collective Agreement 2019 provides significant improvements in wages, benefits, and working conditions for HSA members. The agreement reflects the work and dedication of the HSA bargaining team in negotiating on behalf of its members and ensuring their needs are met. For more information on the agreement and its provisions, HSA members can consult the full text of the agreement on the HSA website.

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